Polarity Therapy is a unique system of treatment used in alternative medicine, intended to restore a balanced distribution of the body's energy by combining bodywork, exercise, nutrition, and self awareness. This unique form of energy healing enables you to look at what you are carrying as pain, and stress and disease. It provides an opportunity to access and unwind the origins that create physical, mental and emotional symptoms. In addition to working with your body you are supported with verbal communication and reflective listening.

Polarity Therapy was developed by Dr. Randolph Stone (1890-1981), an osteopath, chiropractor and naturopath who sought to integrate Eastern and Western approaches to healing modalities such as reflexology, acupressure, CranioSacral balancing, yoga and Ayurveda.

At its heart - Polarity Therapy is a set of principals about the balance and flow of life energy which Dr. Stone believed to be the underlying essence of all healing arts, a pathway to empowerment - helping people get more resourced in their lives.

Energy is the real substance behind the appearance of matter and form.
— Dr. Randolph Stone